How to view old notifications on iPhone

How to see old notifications on iPhone

Notifications are a great way to check all the new messages and alerts from the apps on your smartphone. They are very useful since you can read new messages

Best widgets for macOS

Best Desktop Widgets for Mac in 2024

macOS Sonoma has brought tons of changes to Apple's operating system. This update has introduced Stage Manager and new widgets, which are different from the ones seen in the

Samsung Health vs. Google Fit: Which one is for you?

Samsung Health vs. Google Fit: Which one is for you?

Tracking your fitness is now essential for living a healthy life. There are a lot of apps available that can help in tracking your workouts and staying fit. Google

How to enable Battery Saver mode in Windows 11

How to enable Battery saver mode in Windows 11

Windows 11 is steadily rolling out to eligible devices all across the world, and newer PCs also come preinstalled with this new version of Windows that seems to be

Windows 11 on Mac

How to run Windows 11 on M1 Mac

If you're a Mac user, you might have been intrigued by the new Windows 11. The OS offers many features like the new start menu, widgets, snap layouts and